The answer to that is simple. I enjoy it. There’s a thrill to creating universes, crafting characters, and having others enjoy the fruits of my efforts. But the issue goes far deeper.
Why do I write what I write?
Though the answer is simple, it has levels of complexity. The simple answer to that is because nobody else is writing the stories I want to read.
I grew up watching science fiction television and movies. There was a certain optimism in the shows I watched, and I liked that. There’s a bright future where mankind is exploring the galaxy (or universe), and the people overcame the obstacles in their way. In short, the good guy won. Most of the time, anyway. Hence Ebony Sea.
As I dug deeper into my faith, I discovered there’s a simplistic attitude most people have in their own faith life. That’s where The Brotherhood comes from. Regardless of a person’s belief structure, I found few people actually ponder what and why they believe those things.
“But Mark, I thought you liked the optimism. Why is The Brotherhood so dark?”
Because few people (Christian or not) spend any effort pondering why things happen the way they happen. There are forces which toy with people for the sheer fun. There are other forces (principalities and powers) working actively to destroy humanity - not just in a physical sense, but the spirits and souls as well.
Too many people see preachers who at the very least imply that if you turn your life over to Jesus then everything will be sunshine and lollipops. That’s not what the Bible teaches, so I have to put that truth into The Brotherhood. That’s why the chief protagonist has so many horrible things happen. Her boyfriend dies of a massive coronary, friends (and their friends and relatives) die horrible deaths, and then the plane she’s in crashes.
Bad things happen to everyone. Most of the time people wonder, “Why did that happen to me?” Or maybe it’s happened to a loved-one. The Brotherhood explores the reasons, and challenges the reader to consider their own choices and what they mean to the broader scope of humanity.
As of now I’m planning so many writing projects it boggles my mind. Will I live long enough to finish them all? Probably not.
I will, however, live long enough to accomplish God’s will for my life.
THAT is the real reason I write what I write.