In what genre(s) do you write? I write military thriller and zombie horror/science fiction. What’s the favorite book you’ve read? That’s an impossible question! There are too many for me to pick one. Top ones are Mark Tufo’s Zombie Fallout Series, Brian Parker’s Easytown Series, the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon, and I just recently read a really amazing book by A.J. Powers called Human Element. What’s the favorite book you’ve written? My favorite piece I’ve done is a short story for Brian Parker’s Easytown Anthology, High Tech/Low Life. The story is called Welcome to Easytown, it’s about a prostitute trying to escape from the horrible life she found herself in, only to find that no one ever really leaves Easytown. Would you pinpoint the biggest challenge you faced as an author? That would be several things, publishing my first book, then realizing it was a piece of garbage and getting it re-edited and re-released. That was a major hit to my self-confidence. Also, self-promotion is a bitch. I’m terrible at it. I always feel presumptuous talking about my own books. Who has been most instrumental in your publishing career? This is also a multi-part answer. Connie Miconi, my editor, has been amazing. She’s really helped me develop my writing style and voice. Samantha A. Cole, we wrote two novellas together and she believes in me and helps me out all the time. I’m sure I drive her batty, but I adore her. Brian Parker, he has a way of cutting through the bull-shit that is very effective and helps me produce better books. Tell me your views on the dreaded Writers’ Block. It exists, but the only cure is to write through it. What keeps you away from writing? My day-job and family obligations. My children and husband come first, so sometimes I don’t write at all for a week or more because I’m committed to things with them. What do you do with the bulk of your day? I work at a grocery store, I have the very glamourous job of running register and stocking. I also spend a lot of time correcting price tags and such. It helps pay the bills. Buy my books people so I can get out of there!
