Hey, everyone. It’s been suggested that I share some background on a few of my books. So, here is a little of my publication history. First of all, I’ve got multiple short stories published in anthologies. Check out my Amazon Author Page to learn more. BLOOD PRESSURE DIARY: Keeping it Simple –Gene and I have watched our blood pressure since long before we had heart attacks. But, like everyone else, we wrote down our readings in a nearby spiral notebook, on a scratch paper, or in a thin, pocket-size booklet that was easily lost. Tired of losing our notes, I created the Blood Pressure Diary as a full-size, colorful journal. We use ours daily. I also have “white coat syndrome,” so my blood pressure is always up at the doctor’s office. This book helps me prove my numbers are lower at home, which makes my doctor happy. I’m about to begin some major ad campaigns for the Blood Pressure Diary. Let me know if you see any of my ads. Ragan’s Reign – This has been a favorite fictional memoir-like short story of mine that practically wrote itself. I decided a while back that I would share it on YouTube for those who’d like to hear me tell one of my stories. When I started having trouble with my voice, and I wasn’t sure I’d have it much longer, I decided to put the story online and not worry about anything else. So, I posted the raw, unedited video here. Absent Reality – I originally wrote this short story for an anthology. It was my way of pointing out that what is meant as good intentions sometimes turns out to be irreparable damage to a relationship. Always watch where you’re stepping, and try to look ahead at the same time. Tough, I know, but definitely possible. Some folks have asked why I publish on Smashwords as well as Amazon. Smashwords offers easy control over pricing. When I attend a conference, I create a coupon code to make our ebooks free throughout the weekend, exclusively for folks who attend the conference. While there, I hand out bookmarks with the free codes on them. I can do this as often as I want and have multiple discount coupons active at the same time. Also, it’s very easy to set up, and I sell more ebooks on Smashwords than Amazon. Thanks for stopping in. Learn more about my books, ebooks, and the anthologies I’m in here.
Meet Renee' La Viness...
Updated: Jun 26, 2018